"SKID MARKS" is the hilarious tale of two rival ambulance companies and their misfit medics; the Bayside Ambulatory Life Services ( B.A.L.S) team and the Downtown Intensive Care (D.I.C.) Unit. When budget cuts strike their quiet town of Bayside, it's clear one ambulance unit must go. Now with their jobs on the line, these below-average EMT's (emergency medical technicians) are about to prove they'll stop at nothing to save their patients, their alter egos and their beer money. Hold on to you seat cushions and take your meds, as the heroes of "SKID MARKS" penetrate a theater near you. - karlk-1
When budget cuts in the sleepy town of Bayside force the locals to choose between one of two rival ambulance companies, the competition to be the best quickly devolves into a battle of sheer stupidity in this raunchy comedy from ~San Diego Film Festival co-founder and programming director Karl Kozak. Bayside Ambulatory Life Services (B.A.L.S.) and the Downtown Intensive Care Unit (D.I.C.) have always shared a friendly rivalry, but when both companies realize that there's only room in town for one ambulance service, the race is on for each to prove they can save more lives than the other. Unfortunately, competence isn't a strong point for either D.I.C. or B.A.L.S., and before long these bumbling EMTs are more concerned with their bruised egos than their ailing patients [D-Man2010]
SKID MARKS, "a hardcore comedy about softcore medics," is the hilarious tale of two rival ambulance companies and their misfit medics; the Bayside Ambulatory Life Services (B.A.L.S) team and the Downtown Intensive Care (D.I.C.) Unit. When budget cuts strike their quiet town of Bayside, it's clear one ambulance unit must go. Now with their egos and beer money on the line, these below-average EMT's (emergency medical technicians) are about to prove they'll stop at nothing to save their patients, their jobs and their alter egos. Hold on to you seat cushions and hide your meds, as the heroes of SKID MARKS penetrate a theater near you. [D-Man2010]
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